#Make the terminal prompt my own :P PS1='@\W~>' shopt -o -s vi #Some shortucts #for cv programming esp. alias gcv='gcc -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags opencv` `pkg-config --libs opencv`' alias rmmake='rm CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles/ cmake_install.cmake Makefile -rf' #very useful to do autoshutdown. well, saves me some typing, that's all. alias closeafter='sudo shutdown -hP' #to open the last edited progrram in either gvim or vi #useful when i'm solving c puzzles. function vic { HEADFILE=`ls -t1 | grep [.]c| head -n 1` vi $HEADFILE } function gvic { HEADFILE=`ls -t1 | grep [.]c |head -n 1` gvim $HEADFILE } function gccc { HEADFILE=`ls -t1 | grep [.]c |head -n 1` gcc -Wall -g $HEADFILE -o `basename $HEADFILE .c` } function runc { HEADFILE=`ls -t1 | grep [.]c |head -n 1` ./`basename $HEADFILE .c` } function gdbc { HEADFILE=`ls -t1 | grep [.]c |head -n 1` gdb `basename $HEADFILE .c` } ##very very useful. alias ggl='g++ -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lGLEW ' #pure lol function. my terminal window vibrates when there is an alarm or error. so i #just produce alarm in infinite loop :D alias vibrator='while who &>/dev/null ; do printf "\a" ; done' ##complex piece of shit - but works perfectly for me now. Love this. Used to initialize byobu # properly so it doesnt open a new byobu if byobu is open in a terminal, and connects to the #old byobu if byobu is already running. if [ `ps aux |grep -v 'grep '| grep SCREEN | wc -l ` -gt 0 ] then if [ `ps aux |grep -v 'grep '| grep 'screen -c' | wc -l ` -gt 0 ] then who >& /dev/null else byobu fi else byobu fi ##i always forget this alias even exists. alias editbashrc='vi ~/.bashrc' ##even this :D i forgot. will use this . alias updatebashrc='source ~/.bashrc' #script to turn off monitor or turn on monitor function offmonitor { xset +dpms status=`xset -q | grep "Monitor is"` status=`echo $status | sed 's/.*[^\w] //'` if [ $status = "On" ] then echo turning off... xset dpms force off else echo already off... fi } ##functions written to backup my data with date info. it's such a pain to look up the backup #method and back up data again and again. though the following is a primitive way of backing , i think it might just serve the purpose when disaster strikes. I hope restoring these #files will get my future comp back in running state. function backup_madi { today=`date +%d%b` sudo tar cvpzf /disk/backup/backup_$today.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found
--exclude=/disk --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/home/siddhartha/.axel/*
--exclude=/home/siddhartha/.Virtualbox/* / echo Backup done on $today. >> /disk/backup/log.log } function storemycodes { today=`date +%d%b` sudo tar cvpzf /disk/backup/codes_$today.tgz /home/siddhartha/Documents/programs/ echo Code backup done on $today. >> /disk/backup/log.log } ##four functions that act as a set of notemakers for me. These functions were written by me # when i was jobless :D Anyway, what it does is pretty muchh obvious. they take notes from #me and store them in a new/existing file in a particular folder. i use the same scripts to #view those notes, list them or delete them too. function note { notestack=$1 current=`pwd` cd /home/siddhartha/Documents/notes/ shift if [ $1 = '+' ] then append=1 shift else append=0 fi takenote=$* if [ $append -eq 0 ] then echo '----------------' >>$notestack echo `date '+%T, %a %d/%m/%y'` >> $notestack echo '----------------' >>$notestack fi echo $takenote >> $notestack echo note added to $notestack cd "$current" } function shownote { notestack=/home/siddhartha/Documents/notes/$1 cat $notestack } function rmnote { notestack=/home/siddhartha/Documents/notes/$1 rm $notestack } function lsnote { notestack=/home/siddhartha/Documents/notes/ ls $notestack }
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